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out url icon Recercat Automated detection of breast cancer in false-negative screening MRI studies from women at increased risk Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Vreemann, Suzan ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Meléndez, Jaime ; Lardenoije, Susanne ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Karssemeijer, Nico ; Platel, Bram
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2016 Automated detection of breast cancer in false-negative screening MRI studies from women at increased risk Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Vreemann, Suzan ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Meléndez, Jaime ; Lardenoije, Susanne ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Karssemeijer, Nico ; Platel, Bram
out url icon Recercat Automated localization of breast cancer in DCE-MRI Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Meléndez, Jaime ; Hauth, Jakob L. ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Karssemeijer, Nico ; Platel, Bram
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2015 Automated localization of breast cancer in DCE-MRI Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Meléndez, Jaime ; Hauth, Jakob L. ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Karssemeijer, Nico ; Platel, Bram
out url icon Recercat Breast segmentation and density estimation in breast MRI: A fully automatic framework Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2015 Breast segmentation and density estimation in breast MRI: A fully automatic framework Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico
out url icon Recercat Lesion Segmentation in Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound: Volumetric Analysis Agarwal, Richa ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Lladó Bardera, Xavier ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Vilanova Busquets, Joan Carles ; Martí Marly, Robert
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Lesion Segmentation in Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound: Volumetric Analysis Agarwal, Richa ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Lladó Bardera, Xavier ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Vilanova Busquets, Joan Carles ; Martí Marly, Robert
doc icon DUGiDocs 2018 Lesion Segmentation in Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound: Volumetric Analysis Agarwal, Richa ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Lladó Bardera, Xavier ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Vilanova, Joan Carles ; Martí Marly, Robert
out url icon Recercat Local breast density assessment using reacquired mammographic images García Marcos, Eloy ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Díez Donoso, Santiago ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Sentís, Melcior ; Martí Bonmatí, Joan ; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau
out url icon Recercat Local breast density assessment using reacquired mammographic images García Marcos, Eloy ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Díez Donoso, Santiago ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Sentís, Melcior ; Martí Bonmatí, Joan ; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 agost 2017 Local breast density assessment using reacquired mammographic images García Marcos, Eloy ; Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Diez, Yago ; Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Sentís, Melcior ; Martí Bonmatí, Joan ; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau
out url icon Recercat Volumetric Breast Density Estimation from Full-Field Digital Mammograms : A Validation Study Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Plate, Bram ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico
out url icon Recercat Volumetric Breast Density Estimation from Full-Field Digital Mammograms : A Validation Study Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Plate, Bram ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Volumetric Breast Density Estimation from Full-Field Digital Mammograms : A Validation Study Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Plate, Bram ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Volumetric Breast Density Estimation from Full-Field Digital Mammograms: A Validation Study Gubern Mérida, Albert ; Kallenberg, Michiel ; Platel, Bram ; Mann, Ritse M. ; Martí Marly, Robert ; Karssemeijer, Nico

